
Foundations are the principles that have underpinned our research and work. Click on each foundation to find out more.

A Democratic City

Diverse voices are represented openly in both diverse and standard ways. Citizens have autonomy within a standard system. These diverse ways of representing enable a sense of community through common democratic rituals.

More about A Democratic City

An Equitable City

Diverse social needs are met through adapting a standard system to suit local needs: There is a minimum level of support for all but certain groups receive extra support to make sure that needs are addressed equitably and in diverse ways.

More about An Equitable City

A Connected City

Communities are well connected within themselves but a bit less with other communities. People live in hyperlocal ecosystems, in a collection of micro-neighbourhoods where local cultures and identities are protected and do not become siloed.

More about A Connected City

An Inquisitive City

Education becomes locally-focused leaving room for alternative and non-academic learning. This supports sharing and nourishing knowledge that is already in communities.

More about An Inquisitive City

A Communal City

Everyone has equal access to public commons and they are used for a wide variety of purposes. They are shared, protected and do not become privatised.

More about A Communal City