Stories are a way of understanding the context and scenarios we have worked with. Five key stories are listed below, click on each one to find out more.
“The Importance of Community Spirit”
How can a feeling of togetherness be nourished through collective democratic rituals and be inclusive of all?
“People Need to Feel That They are in Dialogue”
In what ways can local governance become more accountable in ensuring transparent decision-making?
“We are Trying Things Out in Completely New Territory”
How can spontaneous encounters between citizens influence community interest in co-creative place-based change?
“We are Creating Moments that are about Fun, Play and Celebration”
How can citizens share and nourish their knowledge and tools to improve their lifestyles and impact local decision-making?
“We Need to Foster Dialogue and Build Trust”
How can decision-making processes ensure that communities’ diverse needs are addressed in flexible ways?