Explore the neighbourhood

Experience our future neighbourhood by clicking through the components and illustrations for stories.

Neighbourhood Core Values

Power in

Creating capacity for meaningful citizen- led change, with decision making and resource allocation held within neighbourhoods.


Replenishing and restoring communities, acting on strengths and opportunities to help revitalise the people and places where we live.

Power in

Elevating everyone in society through a radical reframing of scarcity towards assets, strengths and abundance.


Everyone has a seat at the table, creating more accessible, inclusive and responsive systems for people and the environment

That Learn & Grow

Knowledge, skills and resources circulate in ways that sustain, replenish and restore our communities

Local Impact

Collectively, our innovations offer alternative decision making and problem-solving mechanisms to support a more responsive and participatory city, designed and developed by confident citizen practitioners. Building connections across the city and beyond will allow the needs, desires and feelings of neighbourhoods to be heard, innovation to be developed, and impact realised in a number of areas:

Food System

Local Procurement

Less reliance on external imports and trade could make Glasgow a stronger and more self-sufficient producer. Increasing local procurement would drive more locally focused demand for products

Abundant Access & Opportunity

A better connected food network gives greater access to resources and opportunity for the innovative and entrepreneurial ideas already bubbling up within neighbourhoods across the city.

Interconnected Networks

A more locally attuned system could create a more responsive local employment market, better able to adapt to the changing needs within the workforce.


Dignity in Choice

Fair access, dignity of choice and nutrition could be possible for all parts of the city, catering to the many diverse tastes of Glaswegians.

Employability & Skilling- Up

Increased opportunity and access to resources for learning, elevating citizens by nurturing talent and skills.

Inclusive Food Culture

Destigmatizing the many narratives around how and what we eat creating more opportunities for shared experience that leverage food as a mechanism rather than a barrier for social inclusion..

City Council

Local Participation

Increased local participation in civic issues and decision-making could create a system of ownership among citizens, sharing the vision of what’s to come and how we might collectively develop it.

Depth of Local Understanding

Mechanisms for making sense of gathered information and making it actionable and accessible creates a new depth of understanding for both people and place.

Abundance for Inclusive Growth

Inclusive growth has the potential to reduce food poverty and deprivation, creating increased health benefits, access to resources and opportunities for people to feel more engaged with civic life, which together can support Glasgow to grow as a more resilient, adaptive and abundant city.

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