Well-being: Environment-centred

Future World: Physical Algorithm

World leaders predict future stimuli

About Well-being: Environment-centred

Our Physical Algorithm is a tool for forecasting and representing environmental wellbeing in response to future stimuli, designed to sit in A science museum or lobby Of a city council building.

Our definition of wellbeing from our previous research was “Equilibrium and harmony of acting agents in life and death, so that natural environments can flourish and be prosperous”

The final artefact uses balance; environmental stakeholders are represented by different colours of fabrics, balanced on a central viewfinder, with the prompt: what does wellbeing look like in your world?

Participants then have instructions: Using the marbles, add weight to the environmental stakeholders you would prioritise to achieve symbiosis

Forecasting how certain priorities such as; over reliance on imports, would affect each environmental stakeholder and symbiosis over all, is then represented by the artefact either remaining in balance, resting on the edge of the target or collapsing due to instability.

The fragility of this physical algorithm represents the relationships between stakeholders and the necessity of balance to achieve environmental wellbeing.